The picture turned out really dark when I photographed the layout. I'll need to do a re-take, cause her eyes look AMAZING in the actual photo.
I went home the first weekend of this month to go to the Shrimp Festival. I got there on Thursday, because my sister was supposed to be in the parade with the bellydance studio she takes classes at. There ended up being a mix-up with the deadline for the parade application, so they were told at the last minute they could not be in the parade. I had just gotten all this cool new stuff I was going to dress her up in, and she was disappointed that she wasn't going to be able to wear it. We dressed her in some of it anyways...thus, Half Tribal. Man she would have looked awesome in the whole get-up but we didn't get time to do the whole thing to take pictures.
The weekend before, I was in Fort Lauderdale for 4 days with all my bellydance buddies for Spirit of the Tribes. I took lots of classes, stayed up late, and got to meet all kinds of awesome dancers. Man, it was rough going to work the Monday after, but I sure can't wait until next year to do it all over again!
Here's some of us Naples girls hanging out by the pool. Ariellah and Mavi were sweet enough to join us for a picture.

Everyone was so nice! I have more pictures that will be popping up on layouts soon. I have to say thank you to Ali for taking all the photos. I took a grand total of 2 the whole time. What the heck kind of scrapbooker am I?
Then, the middle of April, I did another 3-day workshop with Ansuya. I love taking classes from her. She is one of the nicest people ever, and I learn so much. My sister was able to join me for this one. This time, we did props....candles, fan, cane, and sword. I freaking love sword, but man were my knees bruised from the floorwork. And that's WITH knee pads.
More to come soon!